Friday, 26 November 2010
This evening...LumiNations
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Catechism Talk #1: The Father Sends His Son
Thanks to all of you who came on Tuesday to our first Talk, The Father Sends His Son, in our new series on the Catechism. It was lovely to have you with us! We thought it went extremely well and hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! It is fantastic seeing so many eager and enthusiastic people thirsting for knowledge and truth. Fr. Francis spoke with great insight. With his experience of teaching here at SPES for the past five years on the Catechism along with his experience teaching Philosophy at Allen Hall to the Seminarians, it is not surprising he knows the information so well. It was definitely thought provoking and brought about many good questions during the Q & A time. Hope you will be with us this Tuesday, 23 November 2010, for the second talk in the Catechism series: The Mystery of Christ’s Life.
First Talk of our Catechism Talk series
Friday, 5 November 2010
SAVE THE DATES: New Talks Series This Month:
Introduction to the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Fr Francis Selman
Tuesday 16 November -
The Father Sends His Son
Tuesday 23 November -
The Mystery of Christ’s Life
Tuesday 30 November -
Christ‘s Passion and Resurrection
Tuesday 7 December -
Son Sends His Holy Spirit
Talk will start at 7 p.m. and end at 8.15 p.m.
Light supper will be provided at 6:30 p.m.
St Patrick’s Church Presbytery
21a Soho Square W1D 4NR
Nearest Tube: Tottenham Court Road
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
First Friday Vigils
We will be having Holy Mass celebrated before the Prayer Vigil at 7 pm by Fr. Alex and Fr. Tomasz. Following the Mass there will be a light supper and a bit of a social.
The Vigil will begin at 9 p.m. with Night Prayer and finish Saturday morning at 6 a.m. with Morning Prayer, here at St. Patrick's Presbytery, 21 a Soho Sqaure W1.
Nearest Tube: Tottenham Court Road
The First Friday of each month is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We will mark this with an overnight prayer vigil to pray for young people, vocations and the School of Evangelisation. Jesus will be at the centre of our prayers, praise, and worship! Throughout the night there will be Adoration, songs, the Rosary, intercessory prayer, and time of silence.
If you are interested and would like to stay the whole night or just one hour please get in touch to let us know what time we can expect you. It would be great to have you with us. Your support is very much needed and appreciated.
Please contact us!
Email: Tel: +44 (0) 0207 434 9965
We look forward to seeing you!
Although our series of Talks on Evangelisation have finished for the month, it definitely has not finished our enthusiasm on the wealth of knowledge that was taught. They will be talked about and discussed in many conversations in weeks to come. They gave us much to take in, reflect upon and digest. We really hope all who attended enjoyed them as much as Edna and I did. We are looking forward to what’s to come with our next series of Talks beginning this Month on 16 November on the Catechism. Please stay tuned to our blog for more details of upcoming events, opportunities for evangelising, and talks.
Last Talk of our Evangelisation Series...
Father Emmanuel's talk on the practicalities on how to Evangelise was amazing! Hearing his story and experiences he has had were very empowering and impactful! It was awesome to hear him speak with much freedom and confidence giving much encouragement to have the courage to go there and proclaim the Good News of Christ love to those in our work places, friends, and family we are with everyday. It’s crucial to be attentive to others, lend a listening year, and don’t forget to meet people where they are as Christ did! When you are filled with the Holy Spirit and God’s grace, His love and joy, you want to share it! It is difficult to keep it all for yourself. Just like if you heard news of a new born nephew or have been given a long awaited gift, you would not be able to resist keeping it to yourself. That is what we are called to do as Catholics, to share with others the gift of our faith! Believe God is with you, leading you and guiding you through the power of the Holy Spirit!
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
TONIGHT...Evangelisation Talk!
Next talk is on The Practicalities of how to Evangelise which will be given by Fr. Emmanuel, CFR. We are very blessed and privileged to have him with us. This is the fourth and last talk for this Month completing the series of talks on Evangelisation. The talk will be again on Wednesday, this evening, and will definitely be beneficial to help build up your knowledge, but also your confidence. Starts as always with a light supper at 6:30 pm in the Presbytery. It really would be a lovely opportunity to get to meet you before the lecture begins at 7 pm.
Don't miss out!!! Please bring a friend, ALL are welcome!!! See you tonight!!!!
The next series of lectures will be starting in the coming month.
Stay tuned to our blog to find out what series will be next! Coming this month, November.
The Wednesday evening talk on Apologetics was very empowering and captivating! Father Paul gave us very practical thoughts and insights of what to consider when we are called to explain and defend our faith. Having this wisdom should give us a bit more confidence when giving witness and encountering others.
As it says in 1 Peter 3:15 “Always to be ready to give an account of the hope that is within you”, so let’s go out and share with others that joy that is within each one of us. Let’s not be afraid to tell others our personal testimonies of our journey of faith. You just never know how God wants to use you!You are more than welcome to join us Friday evenings when we go out into the streets of Soho and put into practice all that is being taught. Please come and support us and lets all be united in prayer with Jesus at our centre.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Just a Reminder...
Monday, 18 October 2010
Hope to see you this week!
Our Evangelisation Talks are going extremely well with many young, very excited and enthusiastic individuals. They have a hunger and thirst for knowing what the Church teaches and says about Evangelising. It was a real treat to have again with us Mgr. Keith this past Wednesday. It is quite the privilege to have someone as knowledgeable as himself to grace us with all of his wisdom and insight. He has brought a document, Evangelii Nuntiandi, which is many year’s old very much alive. He’s filled with great joy and is so encouraging being in his presence! This coming Wednesday we will have the honour of Father Paul Keane with us who will be speaking on Apologetics and how to handle the different objections people have about the Catholic Church! Come join us as well on Friday evenings at 6:45 pm to put into practice all that is being taught. We will be going out into the streets of Soho. Have courage to give it a try! We are called to evangelise and give witness to the love and joy that we have in our lives and to share it with others! Evangelisation is not an ‘add on’ to our faith, but is essential to it!!! We are in the process of getting things planned and organized for our Advent Mission, so please if you could remember to pray for all that needs to be put into place that would be greatly appreciated! Continue to support the 40 Days for Life campaign through prayer and fasting and giving that witness outside the Abortion clinic. As it states in Matthew 25:40 “Whatever you do for the least of these brethren, you do for me.” Pray for the grace to not be afraid! Life is precious and deserves to be valued and protected! Have faith and trust in God! This past week was the start of First Holy Communion. It is a new opportunity for me to have the privilege to teach the little ones. I am looking forward to this opportunity very much. This is a special time for them in each of their lives, so please pray not only for their Catechesis, Deanna and Magdalene, but for all the Communicants. Pray that they are open to God’s graces and blessings and all that He wants to reveal to them. Thank you for all your support thus far for this year! Have a fabulous week and don’t forget to share the faith. You are in our prayers! God bless!
Friday, 15 October 2010
UK Premiere of the Film Blood Money
Wednesday 27th October 6:30pm Coronet Cinema, Notting Hill, W11 3LB Nearest Tube: Notting Hill | |
As part of the 40 Days for Life London campaign of prayer, fasting, witness and outreach to end abortion in the UK, we are showing the UK premiere of a stunning and inspirational new documentary. With personal testimonies of women who have had abortions and personal testimonies of abortion clinic staff, the film brings home the reality of abortion and its effects on real people. It ends on a note of hope. The film will be preceeded by a short presentation by Robert Colquhoun, Campaign Director, 40 Days for Life, London. There will be opportunity for discussion after the film | |
For tickets, call 07832 113614 or email
You can watch the trailer of this stunning and utterly inspiring film here: |
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
We sadly have to wish Vincent and Monica farewell. Monica is heading back home very soon to Australia where she will be with her loved ones who are very excited to have her back with them. Vincent is soon to be married to a lovely girl. Thank you for your dedication and commitment throught the years at St. Patrick's. We do wish you all the best for your futures! You will be missed for sure, but it is not goodbye, it is see you later. Know that you will be in our thoughts and prayers. May God bless you both and all your future endeavours abundantly and may our Blessed Mother watch over and protect you always!!!Talks
The first Talk: Evangelisation – The Challenge in the Modern World by Mgr. Keith Barltrop was fantastic! It was not only engaging, interactive, but gave much food for thought. It’s exciting knowing he will be returning this week on Wednesday, 13th October to continue to share with us the wealth of knowledge he has on this topic. Thank you so much Mgr. Keith for all your insight, it will absolutely go a long way. We hope and pray that it not only gets people thinking about the way they evangelise in their daily life, but may have the courage to witness in their life daily! Please join us for the next talk. Come along and see for yourself exactly what you are missing out on. 6:30 pm for light supper at St. Patrick’s Presbytery with the talk starting promptly at 7 pm. Don’t miss it and bring a friend!
40 Days for Life
There are a couple of ways to take an active role and answer to the call of being witnesses here and now. One way is praying outside the abortion clinic, 108 Whitfield Street at the Mary Stopes Clinic, during the 40 Days for Life Campaign. This is a prayerful peaceful vigil where many are uniting themselves in prayer and fasting together around the world. The campaign is currently taking place in 238 cities. Do not be afraid to stand up for what is right and speak the truth in love! Being that public witness in support of life which God has created so beautifully in the womb is an encouragement to many. Please continue to pray for all men and women contemplating to terminate the life of their unborn baby, for all those working in abortion facilities, for all people who are suffering the affects of abortion and who are in need of healing. Pray that many lives and souls are saved and that there is a respect for all life from the moment of conception to natural death! Thanks be to God for His unconditional love and infinite mercy!
Street Evangelisation
The second way is joining us on Friday evenings to go into the streets of Soho. The evenings begin at 6:45 pm and finishes around 9 pm. This is when we have the opportunity to meet many people and share with others of the joy we have within ourselves and explain to people what we are so happy about and why. It’s not only a time to engage others in conversation, but to shed a little light of Christ’s love on them through a smiling face, a kind gesture or just to be there with a listening ear to those that need it. We also offer them the chance to come to our chapel here at St. Patrick’s to meet the Risen Lord who is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. Throughout the evening we will also pray with them then and there or let them know they will be in our prayers as are their intentions. This is not an easy task, but is very much needed! If you desire to come along and feel called to participate, please do! Feel free to give us a ring to find out more.
Please continue to pray for the life of SPES, for Father Alex, Edna and I coordinating, our outreaches, missions and the work of Evangelisation, the benefactors, friends, and lecturers, the past and future students of the school and for all of our intentions. Thank you for your support especially in prayer. It is much appreciated. God bless you all!
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Evangelisation Talks
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Edna and I are keeping very busy with much to prepare, plan, and organize this Month being dedicated to Evangelisation. Starting this week is the first Talk in our series on Evangelisation. Every Wednesday of this month the evening will begin with a light supper and fellowship at 6:30 pm with the talk starting at 7:00 pm here at St. Patrick’s Presbytery. If you fancy coming along to learn more about Evangelisation, please do come! You will be warmly welcomed with open arms! The schedule is as follow: 6 October: Mgr. Keith Barltrop – “Evangelisation – Challenge In the Modern World”, 13 October: Mgr. Keith Barltrop – “Evangelisation – Is that Catholic?”, 20 October: F. Paul Keane – Apologetics, and 27 October: Fr. Emmanuel CFR – “Practicalities – How to Evangelise?” Hope to see you there!!! Every Friday we will be putting into practice what we are learning through these lectures by going into the streets of Soho overflowing with joy to share with others Christ’s love.
This past Friday was the first of our First Friday Vigils of the year. The First Friday’s of each month is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This will be marked with an overnight prayer vigil praying for young people, vocations and the School of Evangelisation. It was beautiful to have Jesus at the centre of our prayer, praise, and worship! Thanks to all those who came out and took part. Your support is very much needed and appreciated. If this is something that interests you and you would like to get involved please do not hesitate to contact us.
40 Days for Life is well on its way, please continue to pray and fast during this 40 day campaign for an end to abortion. God is smiling on you for your efforts as are the babies!!! If you are able to participate please do! Go to to get involved! If you would like to hear all the amazing stories and testimonies of God’s grace and blessing please take a look at the 40 Days for Life blog:
It was lovely to have our Welcome Mass, this past Friday, on the Feast of St. Therese where we committed ourselves to another Year at SPES as Coordinators. Please keep us and all the intentions of the school in your prayers. God bless and have a wonderful week full of many blessings!
Monday, 27 September 2010
A big welcome back to Edna and Deanna who have teamed up to Co-ordinate SPES this year. We are full of enthusiasm, very eager and excited to begin our journey of SPES together. Even though we are not taking on any new students this year the life of SPES is very much a live and active.
We were off to a very quick start with the visit of the Holy Father last week. We were blessed and privileged to attend the vigil in Hyde Park and the Beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman. It was a time full of many blessings and graces! We continue to pray and hope for many hearts to be open and receptive to all that was bestowed upon us all during these days.
With our day focused around prayer we are in the middle of getting our Evangelisation team organized. We want to go out not to only proclaim the Good News to others, but to share the love of Christ with them, to be compassionate and caring in not only our words, but in our actions too. It is important to be a light to those who are in darkness especially in this culture of death.
The 40 Days for Life Campaign has started this week as well. This campaign is a peaceful and prayerful vigil taking place from the 22nd of September to the 31st of October. It is a time to be united together through pray and fasting for an end to abortion, a time also for conversion and healing, to support life and those in need. Please go to and get involved. God will reward you because Our Lord is never out done in generosity!
This Thursday we started a nine day Novena to St. Therese of Lisieux. To conclude our Novena, but to also celebrate a brand new year of SPES we will be having a Welcome Mass on 1st of October 2010, the Feast of St. Therese. Mass will begin at 7 pm in the Chapel of St. Patrick’s Presbytery. You are all warmly invited to join us, support us, and celebrate with us on this special day. Hope to see you there! God bless you and may Our Lady keep you! Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to keep you in ours!
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Seeing the Pope this Friday
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
SPES@21st Youth Festival, Medjugorje
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Summer prayer schedule
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Where is the church?
Friday, 9 July 2010
Martyrs of China
Cardinal Joseph Zen, Bishop of Hong Kong, visiting SPES in 2006
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
InVocation weekend
You can see more photos from the event here. See if you can find the one of my back...
Friday, 2 July 2010
InVocation 2010
The SPES house is fast emptying post-Graduation. Deanna has just flown home for the summer, to spend time with her family and renew her visa. She will be returning here to coordinate the SPES programme from September. Shi Rui will go home this week to
Vincent is going to InVocation 2010, a vocations conference at Oscott College, Birmingham - one of four seminaries in England - expected to attract hundreds of young Catholics discerning their callings from God. Please keep this event in your prayers. We are hoping to meet young people who may be interested in SPES as part of their discernment process, when we open to new students from October 2011.
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
SPES 2010-2011
Thank you for your support for Saint Patrick’s Evangelisation School this year, particularly as we have been ‘homeless’ since April as the long-awaited restoration works have begun in our church and basement, forcing us to rely more than ever on the Lord’s providence and guidance.
We have just finished our eighth year of the School, with five young women graduating on 15th June at a Mass celebrated by Bishop Alan Hopes, in Notre Dame de France Church,
Our building work has forced us to take stock of our situation, as since April we have been ‘making do’ with a variety of temporary and inadequate facilities as the School has been evicted from its classroom, chapel, offices and dining room. While the students have coped magnificently, it seems that it would not be possible to give the same experience to our students next year as we have always endeavoured to provide in the past. Therefore it is with a heavy heart that we have decided not to run the School as a full-time programme for new students in 2010-2011.
I fully intend, however, that the work that we have been doing – evangelisation, forming young Catholics, being a praying presence in the heart of
The restored church and new parish centre are on course to be reopened by Archbishop Vincent Nichols on 31st May 2011. Exact details will follow, but I do hope that you can put this date in your diaries now.
God willing, the School should open the doors of its new purpose-built facilities to the next cohort of students in October 2011. Therefore our recruitment process will continue.
I hope that you will continue to support SPES, particularly with your prayers in this time of transition. We keep you in our prayers.
Yours in Christ,
Father Alexander
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Graduation 2010
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Graduation Mass
Tuesday 15th June, 6pm Mass at Notre Dame de France (on Leicester Place, off Leicester Square)
PLEASE NOTE change of venue as we had originally anticipated going to Farm Street.
You are warmly invited to be with us.
If you plan to be with us please kindly RSVP: or 0207 434 9965
We look forward to seeing all our friends there.
Please pray for Deanna, Aisling, Christina, Lissette and Shi Rui (Linda) as they come to the end of
their time at SPES; as they move forward and continue their discernment.
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Day of Fun, Sunday 30 May
week. God bless!
Friday, 28 May 2010
Mission, Study, and Fun, Sunday 9 May
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Pentecost, Sunday 23 May
We finished the week off with a BBQ in our back garden which was enjoyable. We relaxed and soaked up the sun then attended a Vigil Mass in Balham to celebrate Pentecost, which is the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles. The night was filled with prayer, music, testimonies and Adoration. It was great to see so many young people gathered together giving witness to their faith.
Next week we are looking forward to preparing and publicising for Spirit in the City. On Tuesday we will be going to the home of Dan and Anne Hill for a retreat where they will be speaking to us about marriage and love. It will also be a wonderful opportunity to get to know such great friends of the School. There is also a good-bye party for Anna Stefaniak, a former SPES student. We will be saying farewell and wishing her all the best for the future back home in Poland. We hope you are filled with the Holy Spirit this day and always.
We would like to leave you with a prayer: Father, pour out your Spirit upon your people, and grant us a new vision of your glory, a new experience of your power, a new faithfulness to your service, that your love may grow among us and your Kingdom come. God the Holy Spirit, Comforter and Sanctifier, melt our hearts that we may accept your love. Renew our minds that we may know your truth. Strengthen our wills that we may serve you faithfully. Amen
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Time to relax in the Countryside, Sunday 16 May
Next week we will be working on our last and final essay on the Ten Commandments. This will complete our course through the Maryvale Institute in Adult Studies of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. We also look forward to attending a Vigil in honour of Pentecost. I hope you are all filled the Holy Spirit and share in the outpouring of His gifts. God bless!!!! Pray for us as we continue to pray for you.
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Abbotswick House of Prayer Retreat, Sunday 25 April
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Acts of the Apostles and Mission Preparation, Sunday 18 April
Next week we will be off to Brentwood for a retreat with our Spiritual Director, Fr. Matt Blake. It will be wonderful to have three days to pray, relax, and to reenergize after a busy Easter Octive. Have a blessed week, may God bless you all!!!
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Celebrate Conference, Rejoice Alleluia Christ has Risen!
This week coming we look forward to getting back into the swing of things at St. Patrick’s with our lectures which now will be at the French Church in Leicester Square, daily prayer of the Divine Office, Rosary, Mass and Adoration. Have a blessed week and enjoy this Mercy Sunday!!! You’ll be in our prayers and please continue to keep us in yours!!!! God bless.
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Prayer Vigil, Easter Holy Week
We are very excited about the week to come because we are heading to Devon to spend a week in the South West of England to help out as stewards at a week long charismatic conference called Celebrate. There we will be meeting all sorts of people from all ages and many different countries. It will be a new experience for many of us, but one we are looking forward to very much!!! We are hoping and praying for sunny weather. Have a blessed week everyone, may God shed His light upon each one of you! God bless and Happy Easter!!!
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Celebrations...Our Lady's Yes and a 21st Birthday
This week will be a very busy one with it being Holy week and and preparing for the Lord's passion. Tuesday will be the Chrism Mass at Westminster Cathedral, Maundy Thursday will be the celebration of the Lord's Super, and Good Friday we will be processing through the streets of Soho doing the Stations of the Cross. The work around the church is well on it's way. Please keep us in your prayers while were in this time of transition and be sure to know you are in ours! God bless and have a wonderful week everyone!!!