Some Easter reflections from Jenny:
Christ is Risen! Indeed He has Risen! This Easter has been so amazing for me. Since the students practically live in St. Patrick's, this year I really noticed the difference in the church with the statues covered during Holy Week and the tabernacle empty on Good Friday and Holy Saturday. But then there was the Easter Vigil Mass! The church was pitch dark and you could smell the smoke from the Easter fire at the church doors. Father and the six alter servers found there way to all of us gathered in the back for the church and we began the walk together into the church. I was amazed at the light all of our candles produced when they were lit! We had all seven readings and there was beautiful organ music throughout. When we got to the Gloria, where we proclaim the Risen Christ, the lights came on, the cloths came off the statues and bells were ringing! It was so much to take in. So beautiful!! We had one parishioner Baptised and another receiving Confirmation and Holy Communion for the first time. It was so touching to hear them make their profession of faith. Since the Eucharist was not celebrated on Friday and was not in the church all for two days, I realised how special it was when the priest began the Eucharistic prayer. Before the Mass ended, we had a grand procession through Soho Square with the Blessed Sacrament. It was beautiful and lively (our Brazilian community followed with plenty of music and clapping). I've never rung in Easter quite like this. When Mass ended we met up with all our parishioners in the parish house for wine and food. Looking at our watches we noted that it was a 3-hour Mass! After our celebration and a bit of clean up we drove home to St. Anne's and made it into our beds by 2:30am. Easter morning was just as joyful. The students and staff enjoyed a leisurely lunch and now we are off for a week to Worth Abbey. We're helping out at the national retreat held by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Should be spirited! :)