This past week our lectures were focused on Divine Providence and Outreach. We were introduced to some of the Parish's outreaches which we will be involved in. Alexandra introduced us to the SOS Prayerline, which has been running now for over 11 years. We are looking forward to being a part of it soon. All the prayer books from the past 11 years are kept in the Chapel downstairs. It is amazing to think that there are all these requests for prayer by telephone and soon we were be there to receive the calls and offer the prayers to Our Lord, present in the Blessed Sacrament.
As well as this we also learnt more about Open House, which is when the Parish feed some of the homeless and less fortunate in our area. It happens twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Normally there are approximately 60-80 guests each night. The evening relies on the support of volunteers. We will be helping on one of the nights each week. The idea of it seems a little scary at times but after learning more about how it is run we are looking forward to helping out and meeting some of the guests.
There were lectures about some of the other outreaches we will be involved in such as LumiNations and NightFever. This weekend we were able to experience our first NightFever together as a group. We have been looking forward to it all week. (We'll do a separate update soon all about our first experience of NightFever at St Patrick's). Paula, from the Cenacolo Prayer Group, came along this week and spoke to us about the Cenacolo Community and providence. It is amazing to hear how God has worked in the community. It truly shows how God provides for us. Robert, from 40 Days for Life, spoke to us about some of the pro-life issues and in particular the 40 Days for Life campaign, which is happening in London at the moment. Yesterday we headed out on a Catholic History Walk with Joanna Bogle. It was a fantastic experience, there is so much Catholic history right here on our doorstep! (Again we will do a separate post about Joanna's walk.)
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