Sunday 20 May 2012

The Unity of Christian Community in Scarborough

‘See, they say, how they love one another’, the brilliant quote from the early Father of the Catholic Church Tertullian, described exactly what we felt in Scarborough. Such a faithful and united community, so many generous people gather in only one place. We went there in a mission to evangelise at schools, to promote a youth club, which by the way I think a brilliant initiative and we end up being evangelised by such faithful community.

 Pope Benedict XVI requested us to pray for the unity of the Catholic Church, this unity we had the grace to
see in Scarborough; by this witness we could see that generosity in words and acts is enough to evangelise, you don’t need to talk about God when your acts speak louder than your words. We did street evangelisation and also evangelised children at schools aged 5 to 10 years old, explaining what is lent, how to live it and why the Easter is the ‘J.O.Y.’ (Jesus, Others, Yourself) for Christians.

The youth club is a group of children, usually sons and daughters of the parishioners, that gather every Monday night for 2 hours in the parish centre to play. Nowadays it is such a brilliant idea of creating a community of kids to play in your parish, to develop friendships in an environment that will help them to grow in their faith. I believe that all of you, as well as I, remember the good times of playing with other friends and how many of those friends we will carry on for a lifetime. Friends that can relate with you, understand you, and most importantly at that age play with! In this world of virtual realities and technologies, the most precious goods still is time and people that combined with the power of the Holy Spirit blossom in a wonderful community of love and charity.


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