Friday 4 February 2011

Theology of the Body of JPII Talk Series TALK # 2

The first talk that took place on Tuesday, 1 February 2011, had a huge turnout, approximately 60 people here in the Presbytery. It was lovely to see many familiar faces, but had many new ones as well. There is a great thirst and hunger for this subject. It definitely brought many enthusiastic people from all around London. It was pleasure to have the chance to chat and meet many of you! This Tuesday, 8 February 2011, is the second talk in our series on Theology of the Body of John Paul III. The evening will begin with a soup supper and time for fellowship at 7 p.m. The talk will start at 7.30 p.m. given by Jane Deegan here at St. Patrick’s Presbytery lasting about an hour. Jane has many years of experience speaking about this topic! With her talk Jane wants to introduce and explain some of the teaching of the Theology of the Body with a view to encourage those to begin the journey with John Paul II. TOB is very beautiful and if the text is read, meditated on, prayed with it, it can and will transform and heal hearts, minds and lives. Jane says “This can and will happen for all those who open themselves because firstly, it is a teaching rooted in the truth and the truth has a power of its own, and secondly it is a teaching built upon certain key passages of Scripture, and all scripture is alive and active, with the power to bring about what it proclaims. It is all about rediscovering the truth about the human person, human sexuality, marriage and family and more importantly, it is all about the true meaning of, and the call to, LOVE.”Please come along all are very welcom!!!

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